Varsity Requirements
Earning a varsity letter is a major accomplishment in the world of athletics. It is evidence of the hard work and commitment you have given to your team and your sport. The requirements for earning a Varsity letter vary from sport to sport. Student athletes are reminded that the Varsity letter is a recognition award determined by the head coach in conjunction with administration. Wearing a Varsity jersey is not a guarantee of a Varsity Letter. Athletes must meet the earned criteria that is set forth for all Varsity athletes at Hawthorne High School as well as the participation requirements for their individual sports.
General requirements for Varsity awards in ALL sports:
- Must be in good athletic and academic standing, complete the season and be eligible academically.
- Show marked improvement during the season and from the previous season.
- Be of good character, a good teammate, and a team player.
- Attend all practices, games, meets or matches unless excused by the coach based on a note from a parent or doctor.
- Contribute to the team’s success.
- Regular member of the Varsity team.
Sport by sport participation requirements for a Varsity Letter:
- Compete in 16 quarters of a Varsity Game
Boys Soccer/Girls Soccer
- Compete in at least half of 5 Varsity Games.
- Compete in 1 Varsity match
Girls Volleyball
- Compete in 10 varsity sets.
Cheerleading (Fall and Winter counted separately)
- Cheer in ½ of scheduled games
- Compete in two (2) or more Varsity matches(matches, forfeits, etc)
Boys and Girls Basketball
- Compete in 8 Varsity quarters
- Compete in 3 Varsity matches
Indoor Track (Boys and Girls)
- Compete in ½ of the Varsity meets as a Varsity competitor.
Outdoor Track (Boys and Girls)
- Score 8 varsity points during the season(average 1 point per meet) OR regularly participate on a varsity relay (at relay meets)
- Compete in 4 Varsity games
- Compete in 5 Varsity matches
- Compete in 16 quarters
Other ways to earn a Varsity Letter:
Seniors that are given a Varsity jersey and fulfill the attendance and participation requirements of the coach.
Seniors who have served as a Team Manager or Statistician for 3 or 4 years.
Injured players may receive a letter, if in the opinion of the head coach, he/she would have participated in the required amount of playing time, if they had not been injured, and also served the team in some capacity while injured.
**Athletes who do not achieve the guidelines established above, but make contributions to the team, may be awarded varsity letters at the discretion of the coaching staff and the Athletic Director. **