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Virtual/Remote Instruction Program

Approved by the Board of Education on July 16,2024


This report outlines the protocols that will be implemented to ensure continuity of instruction in the event of a public-health related school district closure. The utilization of virtual/remote instruction during this closure will satisfy the 180-day requirement pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:7F-9. This plan would be implemented during closure lasting more than three (3) consecutive school days due to a declared state of emergency, declared public health emergency, or a directive by the local or state health agency or officer to institute a public health-related closure.The Superintendent or designee will communicate with the Board of Education prior to implementing the plan of virtual/remote instruction.

The Hawthorne Public Schools has prepared this plan following guidance from the NJ Department of Education and includes these key areas:

  1. Equitable Access and Opportunity to Instruction
  2. Addressing Special Education Needs
  3. Addressing English Language Learner (ELL) Plan Needs
  4. Attendance Plan
  5. Safe Delivery of Meals
  6. Facilities Plan
  7. Other Considerations

1. Equitable Access and Opportunity to Instruction

Virtual or remote instruction will be provided to students who may not have access to sufficient broadband, or to any technology required for virtual or remote instruction. The district has a 1:1 Chromebook Program in place for students in grades 6-12. Students in younger grades will be provided with a Chromebook or iPad if they do not have access to a device at home. The school principals will track this information in RealTime - our student information system. Similarly, the district will coordinate with our broadband providers to ensure a supply of hotspots that can be distributed to families on an as-needed basis. Counselors, administrators and teachers will work together to ensure that we address any digital divide issues.

The district will use assessment resources such as Renaissance Star 360 in conjunction with the Start Strong assessment to determine baseline data for all students regardless of varied age-appropriate needs.

The New Jersey Tiered System of Supports (NJTSS) and Intervention & Referral Services (I&RS) programs will emphasize analysis of the results of data-driven instruction as well as behavior and attendance data to ensure targeted interventions that promote meaningful progress for all students.

The district will continue partnering with service providers such as West Bergen Mental Health & Fiedeldey Consulting to help our staff and students adjust to transitions into and out of our school buildings. We will support our stakeholders and build the relationships critical to the success of our entire learning community. Checking in frequently and providing opportunities to manage emotions & experiences will help staff and students alike.

2. Addressing Special Education Needs

The regular school program will continue to the greatest extent possible. The needs of students with IEPs will be met to the greatest extent possible throughout the provision of home access to online materials and platforms that are employed in the regular classroom setting, as well as arrangements to secure tools required to address the tactile needs of our learners.

Case managers will coordinate with staff and family members to ensure implementation of IEP needs and to track student progress while adapting modifications and accommodations as needed. Consistent
communication whether electronically or by phone will be critical to ensuring services are provided per IEP requirements.

Special education students will have little to no interruption of their instructional program. If necessary,
paraprofessionals can individualize instruction while being monitored by the classroom teacher, whether in a full classroom setting or breakout room. Accelerated learning opportunities and enrichment classes will continue to the greatest extent possible.

IEP meetings will be conducted via Google Meet, or can be coordinated in person with adequate physical
distancing, as needed or possible. All timelines will be followed and met.

3. Addressing English Language Learner (ELL) Plan Needs

Consistent with state and federal requirements, English Language Learners will have uninterrupted instruction during virtual instruction. Students will engage with their ESL teacher, though the schedule may differ from what is provided in regular in-person instruction. We will maintain communication with families either through our team of translators or by utilizing our online translation tools.

The ELL teachers and program supervisor will coordinate with teachers to ensure that alternate methods of instruction are implemented to ensure access to technology and strategies that are consistent with the standard of education for non-ELL peers.

Existing programs to ensure culturally responsive teaching and interactions will be augmented, as needed, for staff to ensure that they are confident in meeting educational, social-emotional, and trauma-informed needs of our students, particularly those affected by forced migration.

4. Attendance Plan

Attendance is taken at the beginning of each period at the middle and high school level. Students must log in to each class period to be marked as “present.” Elementary students must log in at the beginning of the school day and will remain logged in to class until the lunch break. Students will be expected to have their computer cameras on in order for them to engage fully.

The district attendance policy will be followed, as well as the policy for promotion and retention. Parents will be notified if a student is marked absence without a parent notification of said absence in Realtime and through an automated call. If necessary, the School Resource Officer can be sent to the home for a Wellness Check.

Teachers and administrators will coordinate to communicate with families of students who are not attending or participating in their online coursework.

5. Safe Delivery of Meals

The district and our food service partner (Pomptonian) implemented grab-and-go lunch options for 2022-2023. If necessary, we will continue with that modified food service. Otherwise, we will adapt our regular food service program to meet the needs of our staff and students within guidelines, and look to continue our practice of cashless transactions. Regardless of evolving health guidelines, students receiving free & reduced services will not experience a break in service. Our transportation department will be ready to deliver again.

6. Facilities Plan

In the event of district closure, all school facilities will be properly monitored by district custodial/maintenance staff. Should health conditions warrant, a rotating skeleton crew will be deployed. In addition to all existing established cleaning procedures, the school custodial staff will implement a deep clean of the school building, including classrooms, restroom facilities, gymnasium locker rooms, and cafeterias.

In the event of district closure, all vehicles involved in the transportation of students will be cleaned and
disinfected daily using a combination of sanitizing wipes and disinfectant sprayers In summation the Hawthorne Public School District will follow all recommendations outlined in numerous
government publications and advisories which are already established and will adjust procedures and policies accordingly as new advisories are released and updated

7. Other Considerations

  • Social and emotional health of staff and students
    SEL has been a critical topic in public education for the past decade, and never more so than now. The district is partnering with service providers such as West Bergen Mental Health and Fiedeldey Consulting to help our staff and students. We will support our stakeholders and build the relationships critical to the success of our entire learning community. Checking in frequently and providing opportunities to manage emotions & experiences will help staff and students alike. As such, SEL strategies will be embedded in our instruction and professional development.
  • Title I Extended Learning Programs
    To the fullest extent practicable, we will provide remote instruction for Title I services in the event of an extended remote learning experience (exceeding one week). Details would be provided by the building principal and teacher.
  • 21st Century Community Learning Center Programs
    The district does not offer a 21st Century Community Learning Center Program.
  • Credit recovery
    If needed, students will have access to the Educere credit recovery program.
  • Accelerated and extended learning opportunities
    To the fullest extent practicable, we will provide remote instruction for our enrichmentcourses in the event of an extended remote learning experience (exceeding one week). The  district will also examine the efficacy of offering extended learning opportunities to students with identified targeted learning needs. Details would be provided by the building principal and teacher.
  • Extra-curricular programs
    To the safest extent possible, the district will plan to continue some version of our extracurricular activities, including athletics. Any decisions will be based on health standards and physical distancing requirements.
  • Childcare
    Morning and aftercare programs in the school buildings would be suspended in the event of a closure. The district will coordinate with community partners such as the Boys and Girls Club to assist families in finding childcare options.

Per directive, the district has maintained a list of essential employees and will provide it to the county
office at the time of any transition to remote or virtual instruction.